Therapeutic & Integrative & Restorative Massage Therapy

Carolyn Burgess, LMT at BANGS

About The Practitioner

Carolyn Burgess, Licensed Massage Therapist # 12564


I practice massage/bodywork with a comprehensive respect and appreciation of the human body and its ability to heal. Massage supports normal body functions, assists in healing and improves mobility. 

As a registered nurse I witnessed the effects of the many stages of cancer and treatments. As a personal fitness trainer I saw the benefits of exercise prescriptions and sport specific conditioning. Throughout my 25+ years in the health care industry I've seen faster recovery and greater improved mobility when treatment considers the whole being. We are more complete when we balance work and play and when we connect mind and body. Massage therapy is a powerful tool that provides the opportunity to decompress, connect, balance, and refocus. When we consider our wholeness we give ourselves the chance to manage stress, shift perspectives and be more resilient.

Massage therapy is an effective therapeutic and restorative self care option. Add massage to your routine self care and you will experience a difference in your mood, movement and motivation!


Practice Philosophy

I intend to provide the highest quality of care to the best of my ability. I aim to provide a client experience that is professional, safe and beneficial. l will be guided by the values of integrity, respect, compassion and non-judgment. I will provide, within the scope of the practice of massage therapy, guidance for the client to maximize the benefits of bodywork.

Health and well being is ultimately the responsibility of the individual. Client participation, feedback and update in physical condition is expected and welcomed.

The human body is a perfect set of organs and systems upon which one's thoughts and attitudes can greatly influence.  Additionally, we require our bodies to respond to strenuous physical activity or a daily routine of​ repetitive movements. The body adapts to stress one way or another - either energized and responsive or drained and depleted.
The therapeutic effect of massage can elicit a deeper sense of calm and provide space where one can restore, re-balance, repair. When given the chance, the body can adapt and heal. 

Massage therapy is a valuable and effective modality to include in one's health and fitness goals.